My name is Matty Silver, I am a Relationship Counsellor and Sex Therapist in Sydney.
Relationship counselling is a very helpful tool to address issues between partners who would like to get their relationship back on track. I have helped many couples improve their relationships and responded to their problems and difficulties bringing them closer together again. At some time in their lives couples can enter a phase of conflict, misunderstandings or stress. Often they don't realise that there is a problem until it seems to appear that it might be too late to fix.
In my practice I have experienced couples do not always realise that sexual issues can often be one of the problems for their unhappiness. Common areas of conflict are lack of romance, companionship and fun. Expectations are often unrealistic and much of the satisfaction or dissatisfaction in people's relationships depend on their original expectations brought into the relationship.
Do you feel a bit awkward seeking help about sex and intimacy?
Sex Therapist Sydney: I'm originally from The Netherlands and have lived in Australia for over 40 years. My cultural background has made me a very open minded and approachable person and my clients describe me as "easy to talk to". Over the years I have worked in a range of professional fields which have provided me with the ability to communicate and build rapport with individuals from various cultures. Furthermore, from living in different places around the globe, I have acquired a depth of life experiences which complement my counselling skills.
I believe that we all have the right to a healthy and enjoyable sex life. Sadly, most people at some time in their life face a sexual challenge or be affected by the devastating effects of some sexual dysfunction. Sexual confidence is difficult to achieve with so many unrealistic expectations on what is 'normal' sexual behaviour. Adding to this, common dysfunctions such as erectile problems, premature ejaculation, loss of desire or for example painful intercourse are rarely openly discussed. This leaves many people who are not experiencing their full sexual potential with no real way to improve their situation.
It is very important that you can confide in someone with a professional and understanding attitude to reduce and resolve these often emotionally debilitating issues. I provide a sensitive, confidential and professional service, based on my extensive experience in this field. I like to work with my clients on restoring the intimacy in their relationship, highlight the misunderstandings in communicating, offer a new perspective, give advice and teach strategies on how to achieve better goals.
The counselling approach I provide is solution focused, caring and sensitive to your individual needs, combines with evidence based strategies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This therapy is based around helping you understand, manage and change your thoughts (cognitions) and actions (behaviour). My experience over the years has shown me that clients are able to solve their relationship issues once they have the opportunity to share them in the right environment.
You are welcome to contact me on 0411 131 619 and have a chat before making an appointment.